Marketers Find a Sound That Draws a Crowd

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

IN cartoons, the Road Runner goes “Beep, beep.” On Madison Avenue, the popular onomatopoeia is pronounced “Bleep, bleep.”

Advertisers are winking at the contentious issue of content regulation by using bleeping sounds in commercials and video clips. The bleeps mimic how television and radio obscure bad language in live news coverage or taped reality shows.

Many times, the bleeps heard in commercials are covering actual expletives, which are written into the scripts solely to be censored.

For instance, in a commercial for the New York Film Academy, a crude word spoken by the filmmaker Brett Ratner is bleeped.

“We were playing poker and he lost and I said, ‘Instead of giving me money, why not do a commercial for the film school?’ ” said Jerry Sherlock, director of the academy. “So we made it into a whole joke.”

(Image Caption: The filmmaker Brett Ratner in an ad for the New York Film Academy with a vulgarity covered with a bleep. Ads with bleeped words are gaining popularity.)

Read the rest of the story here.

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